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Airdrie Sedation Dentistry

Your Choice for Sedation Dentistry in Airdrie, AB!

At North Main Family Dental, we know that many patients put off coming to the dentist because they are anxious or afraid of visiting us. That is why we are pleased to offer Airdrie sedation dentistry options for all our patients. With sedation dentistry, you can get the dental care you need without the stress, anxiety, and fear that may be associated with it.

Sedation Dentistry

What is Sedation Dentistry?

As the name implies, sedation dentistry allows you to be sedated during your dental procedure. North Main Family Dental is pleased to offer several sedation options depending on your needs, preferences, and the procedure(s). Only one sedation option renders the patient completely unconscious, while all other forms of sedation relax you to various degrees.

Sedation Dentistry | North Main Family Dental | Family and General Dentist | Airdrie

What are the most common types of sedation?

Nitrous oxide: Nitrous Oxide, often referred to as “laughing gas,” is a safe and effective sedative agent made up of nitrogen and oxygen that is inhaled through a small mask that fits over your nose. The gas helps relax you during your dental procedure. You will be able to hear and respond to any requests or directions but should ultimately feel calm and comfortable. The effects wear off very soon after the mask is removed, so your dentist might let you drive yourself home after your dental appointment.

Oral sedatives: Oral sedatives include the administration of a sedative drug like diazepam in the form of a pill, which helps you to relax during your dental procedure. Typically, your oral sedative is taken about an hour or so before your dental appointment. You are typically fully awake during the procedure, but most patients feel calmer and less anxious. You may also feel slightly sleepy until the sedative wears off.

Intravenous sedation: Intravenous or IV Sedation can put you into varying stages of consciousness during your procedure. One form of IV sedation, known as general anesthesia, will put you into a deep sleep state until the sedation wears off. You will feel nothing and have no memory of the procedure. Other IV sedation drugs can put you into what is called “twilight sleep.” In this state, you are not fully asleep but are less aware of your surroundings, and you might feel sleepy. You might not remember much of the procedure once it is over.

We look forward to hearing from you soon. Call North Main Family Dental at (403) 980-0056 to set up a new Sedation Dentistry appointment today!

Why Would I Need Sedation Dentistry?

You might be an ideal candidate for Sedation Dentistry if you suffer from any of the following:

  • Phobia about dental procedures
  • Previous negative experiences with dental work in the past
  • Those patients with sensitive oral nerves
  • Patients with small mouths that have an inability to open wide
  • Patients who have an adverse reaction to noises and vibrations
  • Patients who suffer sore jaw muscles during extended procedures
  • A patient who has a resistance to local anesthetics
  • Anyone suffering a General Anxiety disorder
  • Someone suffering a severe gag reflex
  • Someone who has difficulty becoming numb to dental anesthetics
  • Or someone who just hates anything and everything to do with a dental office!

If any of the above sounds like you, then you may be an ideal candidate for our sedation dentistry services.

Sedation Dentistry | North Main Family Dental | Family and General Dentist | Airdrie

Is Sedation Dentistry Safe?

Sedation dentistry is considered safe and effective. However, each form of sedation has its level of benefit, and ideally, you should consult with your Dentist and discuss your own past experiences along with any possible allergic reactions, especially to the anesthetic that you may have experienced.

Airdrie Dental Sedation can help many patients get through many types of dental work they require, such as root canals, tooth extractions, wisdom teeth extractions, dental implants, and many more services.

Learn More About Sedation Dentistry in Airdrie, AB!

If you think you require sedation at your next dental appointment, please contact us today to book an appointment. We look forward to answering your dental questions and helping you and your family with all of your dental health needs.


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