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Canadian Dental Care Plan (CDCP)

Canadian Dental Care Plan

Tooth decay is the most common, but preventable, childhood chronic disease both in Canada and around the world. Since oral disease most frequently begins in the preschool years, it is important to establish good oral hygiene behaviors early on. Healthy teeth and gums make for a happier and healthier person! In Canada, one third of people do not have dental insurance, and as a result, many go without necessary dental care because it costs too much.

North Main Family Dental is pleased to inform patients about The Canadian Dental Care Plan (CDCP), which sets the course for Canadians to take good care of their teeth and gums! The Government of Canada has implemented this program with the aim of helping make the cost of dental care more affordable for eligible Canadian residents, ensuring that dental care remains accessible for everyone.

Applications are now open for:

  • Seniors aged 65 and over
  • Children under the age of 18
  • Adults with a valid Disability Tax Credit Certificate

All remaining eligible residents (not in one of the above groups) can apply starting in 2025.

Eligibility Requirements

To qualify for the CDCP, you must meet ALL 4 of the following requirements:

  • You do not have access to any type of dental insurance or coverage, including through your employment benefits or a family member’s benefits, a professional or student organization, your pension benefits or a family member’s pension benefits, or coverage purchased by your or a family member or through a group plan from an insurance or benefits company,
  • Your adjusted family net income is less than $90,00
  • You are a Canadian resident for tax purposes
  • You filed your tax return for the previous year

If you have dental coverage through government social programs, including through a provincial, territorial or federal government social program, you can still qualify for the CDCP. If you qualify, your coverage will be coordinated between the plans to ensure there are no duplications or gaps in coverage.

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Facts about the CDCP

    • The CDCP is a dental benefit administered by Health Canada. It is not a free dental program.
    • Patients will still be required to make a co-payment (pay for a portion of their dental care under the CDCP) depending on their adjusted family net income. It is best to contact Health Canada to discuss your specific coverage.
    • Patients may also have to pay costs that the CDCP does not cover
    • Not all dental services are covered under the CDCP

Before proceeding with treatment, it is important to understand your dental care costs.

Apply Online

To complete the application, you will need to provide the following information for each applicant and your spouse or common-law partner (if you have one):

    • Social Insurance Number (SIN) (if available for children)
    • Proof of Income
    • Date of Birth
    • Full name
    • Home and mailing address
    • List of dental coverage you have through government social programs (if any)
    • You and your spouse or common-law partner (if applicable) must file your tax return for 2023 and have received your Notice of Assessment

Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) My Account is the quickest, easiest and most secure way to apply for the Canada Dental Benefit. If you do not yet have a CRA My Account, you can register at

You are encouraged to apply for the Canadian Dental Care Plan online.  If you are unable to apply online, call 1-833-537-4342-715-8836 to get your application started.

North Main Family Dental is Pleased to Accept CDCP Coverage!

North Main Family Dental is dedicated to providing patients with the very best dental care possible, and we are proud to announce that our clinic is now participating in the Canadian Dental Care Plan (CDCP). This means that we are pleased to accept all CDCP coverage, making it simpler and easier for eligible patients to access necessary dental services.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns about the Canadian Dental Care Plan, North Main Family Dental is here to help walk you through the process of understanding how the plan works and whether you qualify. We believe that good oral health matters, and we believe in the importance of the Canadian Dental Care Plan in helping Canadians have a healthy and beautiful smile. Please call us today at (403) 980-0056 and we will be happy to help.

You can contact a representative of the CDCP directly at 1-833-537-4342.

For more information regarding details of the Canadian Dental Care Plan, you can contact North Main Family Dental at (403) 980-0056 and we will be happy to help.